This Webpage contains vital info on Healthcare Reform issues, such as the "Single-Payer Public Option" and it contains important website links for obtaining more information from some of the most knowledgeable health care experts in the field.
The first section below contains short paragraphs explaining the importance of having a "Single-Payer Public Option" in any Healthcare Reform legislation.  Most of these paragraphs were written in the course of Healthcare Reform discussions on news websites like ABC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC and many others on the Internet.  The second section contains important Healthcare Expert Links and Video Links to some of the most knowledgeable people in the country, many of whom have devoted their entire careers to the issue of Healthcare in the U.S., like Dr. Marcia Angell, senior lecturer in U.S. medicine at Harvard Medical School and former Editor in Chief of the New England Journal of Medicine. These are people with an extraordinary level of expertise in the field of Health Care.

Healthcare Expert Links

Critical points to know about health care reform proposals
AND THE "Single Payer Public Option" That Is So Vital To It
Bill Moyers Journal - Marcia Angell Interview - July 24, 2009 - "Fatal Problems with Obama's Health Care Reform Plan" ------ (above video & link below)
This is an exceptional exchange!

July 24, 2009 Bill Moyers Journal -- Marcia Angell Interview:
Bill Moyers sits down with Trudy Lieberman, director of the health and medical reporting program at the CUNY Graduate School of Journalism, and Marcia Angell, senior lecturer in social medicine at Harvard Medical School and former editor-in-chief of the New England Journal of Medicine.
"The Truth About Drug Companies" -- Marcia Angell's lecture at the University of Wisconsin-Madison's Health Sciences Learning Center on November 2, 2007.
Where's the Evidence? - Marcia Angell Interview. February 27, 2007
"Frontline" Interview with Marcia Angell. - September 10, 2006.
NY Times - August 12, 2009 -- Questions for Dr. Marcia Angell -- By Anne Underwood
CBS NEWS - Public Option Gains Momentum - Friday, October 16, 2009 11:24 AM

      •               For the record, and contrary to the Insurance Industry and Republican mis-information campaign, the sole point of the "Public Option" was to allow people with marginal incomes to "SELF_INSURE" themselves. If 10,000,000 people band together to self-insure themselves, they can insure themselves for much less money than 10,000,000 Insurance Industry insureds, because they are not paying extortionary, price-gouging fees demanded by very greedy, wealthy for-profit Insurance Industry scavengers who pick your bones clean before passing the paltry, depleted, meager remainder of benefits on to you, the insured. Contrary to Insurance Industry claims, the 'Public Option' was NOT a welfare give-away plan. It was a citizen self-help plan where members PAY FOR their coverage. Without the 'Public Option' there is no health care 'reform' here at all. It's just business as usual -- the poor get poorer while the immensely wealthy get yet another enormous windfall welfare grant with fat bonuses, like the hundreds of billions of dollars pilfered from the taxpayers to enrich the wealthiest Wall Street, Insurance Industry and Banking giants who have raped, pillaged and plundered the countryside for many decades. What a demented system we now have.
      •               Dems voted for Obama because they believed TRUE, genuine Healthcare Reform is absolutely necessary for a healthy economy, as well as a healthy society. But because the plan that passed contains no "Single-Payer Public Option" it is a fraud and it will not help either the economy or the citizens. WHY? Because as noted Harvard Medical School expert Marcia Angell has often stated, the bedrock of the current healthcare crisis lies in its complete, total reliance on the greedy for-profit vultures in the Insurance Industry, who pick the bones clean before they pass the remaining paltry thread-bare benefits to the insured, while assaulting them with enormous price-gouging premium rates. If 10 million people get together to mutually insure themselves, they can do it at a much, much lower cost than 10 million insureds within a greedy for-profit scavenger Insurance company. And If 10 million people get together to mutually insure themselves, they can do it at a much, much lower cost than if only 1,000 people joined. The greater the membership number the lower the premiums. Hence, a single-payer plan is infinitely less expensive than the current Insurance Industry controlled system, whose price-gouging premiums are perpetually skyrocketing out of control for precisely that reason.
      •               Bill Nelson calls the "Baucus Plan" -- which contains NO Single-Payer Public Option -- "A good first step." A betrayal of the Dem constituency that overwhelmingly favors a "Single-Payer Public Option" is NOT "a good first step." A fraudulent plan that capitulates to the Insurance Industry, is NOT "a good first step." It is Dem TREASON that perpetrates a fraud against the Dem voters who were explicitly and unequivocally PROMISED "Change" and "Reform" of a federal system long-since captured, corrupted and controlled by wealthy lobbyists like the Insurance Industry. Nelson and Baucus are talking about "Change" and "Reform" DEFERRED into the future, the same empty promises they've doled out for the past 50 years. Dems put Obama and Dems in Congress in a significant majority because they were explicitly and unequivocally PROMISED "Change" and "Reform" NOW, not because they wanted to hear a battery of excuses why yet another empty promise must be deferred into the vague, nonspecific, never-existent future. We don't need Dems in Congress when they are simply going to mimic, appease and capitulate to Republicans and the Insurance Industry. And that is precisely what the "Baucus Plan" represents, pure brazen capitulation to the Insurance Industry, pursuant to Repub's lifelong "Corporate Welfare" sentiments.
      •               The media and the Dems are using the same identical fraudulent vernacular the Insurance Industry uses to defraud prospective insureds. They pretend that they are offering something valuable when they say "You cannot be refused insurance for pre-existing conditions and your insurance cannot be cancelled or rescinded." It's a non-existent, flim-flam delusional assurance. The Insurance Industry doesn't need to 'reject,' refuse, rescind, or 'cancel' anyone. They just ratchet-up the premiums through the roof so the insureds and applicants can no longer stay in the game. Obama and the Dems in Congress have gone to enormous lengths to defraud the public with this kind of pickpocket flim-flam gibberish. And the U.S. Media dispenses this mindless snake-oil pabulum as though it had legitimacy. What a Snow-job... CBS News - A Rigorous Public Option Brings Down Healthcare Costs
      •               The truth is that Health Care Reform legislation WITHOUT the "Public Option" is like a 'Child Protection' criminal statute that 'exempts' Child Molesters. It's like a Homicide criminal statute that 'exempts' murderers. How welcome are Molesters, Murderers and price-gouging oligopolies in the U.S., and especially at Capitol Hill? Without the "Public Option" the legislation is NOT Health Care "REFORM" at all. It's just "business as usual" . . . a humongous windfall for the Insurance Industry, whose wealth will be improved ten-fold. The Citizen-taxpayers lose again. Without the "Public Option" the Health Care Law Betrays Women and Middle|Low Income families. In effect, the Dems are Saying Women, the Poor, people with scant, over-stretched incomes and the "Public Option" Are All Expendable -- justifiable "road kill" enroute to enactment of a fraudulent pretense that pretends to be 'reform' legislation when, in reality, it is a gigantic Insurance Industry victory.
      •               The Healthcare Plan that passed has no "Single-Payer Public Option." Let's just call this what it really is: "Politics as Usual." Congress bestowed unprecedented amounts of cash on corps as "Bailout" $, without flinching, without hesitation, without even batting an eye, in an unprecedented instantaneous reflex response that was so swift, they never had time to put any 'conditions' on how the money was to be used. NOW suddenly, when it comes to Ordinary Citizens, we see enormous unrelenting knit-picking 'scrutiny' & we hear the incessant refrain "It costs too much," a refrain never heard when they were hastily doling out the "Corporate Welfare" bailout checks like greased lightening. Corporations are a legal fiction. Citizens actually DO exist as palpable skin & bones human beings -- 'people.' This country always has enormous sums of $$$ to splurge for 'fictional' corporate entities. What we now have is "Government of the corporation, by the corporation, for the corporation" with the idea that "What's good for the corporation is good for everybody, because the crumbs they leave behind will be more numerous." Just call it "Trickle-down economics" and "Trickle-down Democracy." THAT is what we have. THAT is what is dangerous. Not Heath Care Reform. Nader is dead right, Democrat politicians too often are part of the problem, NOT part of the solution, precisely because their history is one of BETRAYAL of the Ordinary Citizen whom they specifically targeted with promises they knew they intended to renege on. Let's just call it the standard Democrat post-election flim-flam suckerpunch.
      •               Obama and the Dems betrayed the constituency that voted for him by trying to smuggle the Baucus Plan through Congress when is has NO "Public Option" (Single-Payer Public Option). Obama promised us CHANGE and the COURAGE to make changes in a Democracy ravaged by the tyranny of corporation power and its abuses. As with most Democrats, Obama betrayed that promise, shrank from that courage, and as with a long line of Dems before him, he capitulates and acquiesces to the greed of corporate interests, by stealth, by trying to foist the fraudulent stealth Trojan Horse Baucus Plan on the people. My suggestion is that it is high time for us to STOP looking to the Dems for anything more than 'Politics as usual' and it is high time we start taking Ralph Nader's candidacy much more seriously. In his 40 years of devout commitment to the ordinary citizen Nader has never, ever let us down. Beyond that, vote Dems out of office and keep them out until they learn to respect and appreciate the Ordinary Citizens, in deference to the "Corporate Legal Fiction" that always carries the day in the demented 'politics as usual' cesspool of the current Congress. The Baucus plan is a fraudulent Trojan Horse with bad intentions because it pretends to be "Reform" when, in fact, it's incapable of reforming anything because it has no "Public Option" -- no "Single-Payer Public Option." And the fraudulent Baucus Plan was foist on the public by a Democrat Senator bent on handing the Insurance Industry yet another "Corporate Welfare" bailout check.
      •               The Baucus plan is a fraudulent Trojan Horse with bad intentions. In seeking a congressional consensus, you do NOT give away the bedrock cardinal element that makes the plan a "REFORM" measure. Any Health Care Plan that does NOT contain a Single-Payer Public Option is NOT a reform plan at all and it will NOT have any potential to remedy the fatal flaws in the current system. Health Care experts like Marcia Angell, senior lecturer in social medicine at Harvard Medical School, already know this. And any Dems who contend otherwise are disingenuous, dishonest frauds. Baucus needs to be defeated in his next re-election bid, for foisting this content-barren, malicious fraud on the American people. Baucus, like too many Dems, is more interested in fostering the 'pretense' of reform than with mustering the courage to actualize true, genuine 'reform.' It's like, "Everybody wants to go to heaven, but nobody wants to die to get there." Everybody wants 'relief' from never-ending skyrocketing Health Care costs, but nobody wants to challenge the enormous, tyrannical greedy corporate gorilla that's orchestrating that vicious out-of-control cycle of corp price-gouging.
Bill Moyers - Marcia Angell Interview

      •               As one Harvard Medical expert (Dr. Marcia Angell) pointed out, one of the problems with the Obama Health Plan is that "it leaves the bad guys in place." And that was in a Democrat-friendly forum (Bill Moyer's Journal). Obama betrayed those who voted for him and voted for CHANGE. For Obama's edification, "The Bad Guys" are the Pharmaceutical Industry and the Insurance Industry, both of which have rendered the current Health Care System utterly broken and corrupted. Obama seems to be perpetrating a stealth "Bait & Switch" scam by suddenly reversing his position, abandoning the single payer plan and siding with "The Bad Guys" while betraying the "Good Guys" who voted for him and voted for CHANGE. We need a single-payer plan that includes protection for those who cannot afford it. And a plan like Obama's that keeps the greed of the Pharmaceutical Industry and the Insurance Industry IN THE GAME is never going to achieve such a goal. By betraying those who voted for Obama, those who voted for CHANGE, Obama & the Democrats have, once again, sabotaged their own Health Care Plan. Dr. Marcia Angell articulated the predicament perfectly when she said Obama is trying to -- tweak and keep -- a broken system, when in reality, that corrupt, broken system is beyond rehabilitation. We must start over from scratch with a single payer system that dumps "The Bad Guys" from the gravy train.
      •               Any Health Care Plan exception that "exempts businesses with payrolls below $500,000 from having to provide health coverage for workers" as the recent compromise would do, can only be described as AN EXCEPTION THAT EATS UP THE RULE. In all of my 50 working years, nearly all of the larger businesses and corporations had Health Care coverage plans. It has always been the smaller businesses that DO NOT. This exemption leaves us with a Health Care Plan that completely ignores the core problem and bedrock cause of that problem. It's like having a 'robbery' criminal statute that exempts all "robbers" from its application. It's the same old "stacked deck" political game it's always been. With the speed of greased lightning, with no debate or wrangling, the wealthiest corporations in America got one trillion dollars in handouts, No questions asked - no conditions placed on how the money could be used. Now suddenly, when the $$ is to go to the "PEOPLE" we suddenly can't afford it, and there's delays and wrangling across the battlefield, a battlefield that didn't even exist for the wealthy corps. JUST AS IT HAS ALWAYS BEEN. The corporate FICTION scales as more important than REAL live human beings. It's a gov't configuration that is fundamentally unfit for human consumption.
      •               Those of us who cannot afford health care, cannot afford health care under the Obama Plan either. Nothing in the Obama Plan changes that. In fact, the Obama Plan exacerbates the problem by forcing those of us who cannot afford health care to buy it regardless, under severe tax penalties for failure to do so. As the very wise and honest Dr. Marcia Angell Harvard Medical School - said recently on Bill Moyer's Journal, one of the problems with the Obama Health Plan is that "it leaves the bad guys in place." And that is a Democrat-friendly forum. Obama has betrayed those who voted for him, those who voted for CHANGE. Since Obama apparently is poorly informed, "The Bad Guys" are the Pharmaceutical Industry and the Insurance Industry, both of which have rendered the current Health Care System utterly broken and unworkable. So Obama is now trying to perpetrate a stealth "Bait & Switch" scam by suddenly reversing his position and siding with "The Bad Guys" while betraying the "Good Guys" who voted for him and voted for CHANGE, all while refusing to disclose these ugly details in his plan. We need a plan that includes protection for those who cannot afford it. And a plan like Obama's that keeps the greed of the Pharmaceutical Industry and the Insurance Industry IN THE GAME is never going to achieve such a goal. By betraying those who voted for Obama, those who voted for CHANGE, Obama & the Democrats have, once again, sabotaged their own Health Care Plan. Dr. Marcia Angell articulated the predicament perfectly when she said Obama is trying to -- tweak and keep -- a broken system, when in reality, that corrupt, broken system is beyond rehabilitation. We need to start over from scratch with a single payer system that dumps "The Bad Guys" from the gravy train. (see the Marcia Angell Interviews Video links below)
        G. Bruce Ketcham, Esq.
Health Care For America NOW
Obama Warns of Insurance Industry's 'Last Ditch Effort' to Block Reform: 'It's Smoke And Mirrors' (ABC News)
Why is health care so costly? CNN|Time on February 21, 2013
Exclusive - Steven Brill Extended Interview Pt. 1 - Outrageous Health Care Costs
Exclusive - Steven Brill Extended Interview Pt. 2 - Outrageous Health Care Costs
Exclusive - Steven Brill Extended Interview Pt. 3 - Outrageous Health Care Costs
Steven Brill: "Bitter Pill: Why Medical Bills Are Killing Us"
Who profits off your hospital bills? Time -- CNN's Drew Griffin AC360 Reports
Time's Steven Brill: See why health care costs so much
Obama Warns - Health Industry Deceiving Consumers (CBS News)
"You Do Not Cut Deals with the System that Has to Be Replaced"
Ralph Nader on Secret White House Agreements with the Drug Industry
This is exactly what Harvard expert and former Editor-in-Chief of the New England Journal of Medicine - Marcia Agell has repeatedly said in the first six videos above.
Single-Payer Public Option -- Ralph Nader for President in 2008
Healthcare -- Ralph Nader for President in 2008
